This is not just about the environment, it's about the community, it's about jobs, it's about justice.

Green & Blue Infrastructure
We encourage and facilitate the preservation, protection, or enhancement of land and water in their natural, historical, agricultural, forested, or open space condition or use.

Professional Services
We offer clients comprehensive training, strategic planning, research methodology, and facilitation services. We extend our services to address and rectify environmental disparities in communities.
We aim to evolve and strengthen a leadership pipeline that attracts and retains a diverse community of both citizens and contractors
Breaking Boundaries Environmental LLC is dedicated to fostering the conservation, safeguarding, and improvement of land and water in their natural, historical, agricultural, forested, or open space states. Our mission encompasses resource protection, educational initiatives, and ensuring public access to these resources in harmony with their preservation, protection, or enhancement, all for the well-being of current and future generations. Additionally, our organization is committed to the safeguarding, restoration, and repurposing of historic or significant structures through innovative blue and green infrastructure projects.
We realized the power of joining forces to create innovative solutions for the environmental and human health sectors
Refers to an approach to water management that protects, restores, or mimics the natural water cycle.
Examples include:
Enhance Or Restore the Natural Landscape of:
- Forests, Streams, or Wetlands
- Riparian Buffers, Headwaters, Or Floodplains
- Rain Gardens, Water Catchment Systems
- Permeable Pavement
- Pocket Parks
- Bioswales;
- Green Roofs
- Infiltration Planters
- Invasive species removal
- Tree Plantings Or Tree Boxes
- Rainwater Harvesting
- Brownfield Remediation
- Land Conservation
Refers to water-related infrastructure that is designed to manage water resources sustainably and mitigate water-related issues.
Examples include:
- Enhance Or Restore Oyster Reefs
- Enhance Or Restore Seagrass Beds
- Shellfish Aquaculture Projects
- Floating Wetlands
- Restored Freshwater Mussel Populations
- Climate resiliency/Sea level rise mitigation
- Nitrogen and TMDL Reductions
- Reduce nutrient and sediment loads entering the Chesapeake Bay
- Sequester nutrients already in the Chesapeake Bay
- Sequester carbon;
- Protect and restore important terrestrial or aquatic habitats;
- Restore streams or wetlands;
- Build and assessments of living shorelines;
- Augment or restore shellfish populations;
- Restore forest or agricultural lands